Does the multi-dimension and multiverse are the same?

I think maybe not a lot of people who know the word Multi-dimension and Multiverse. Really, the word Multiverse is combined from 2 words multi + universe.  There is not the only universe that we are currently in right now. There are the other universes, but we just don’t know where it is. Of cause this theory still have no any proof. It still be a theory. Okay, we will have an other article about Universe & Multiverse.

In Vedic Sanskrit since 4000 years ago has mentioned about dimension. There 64 dimensions. Does it mean there are 64 universe? We don’t know that the aliens who brought the civilization to the ancient human what does they mean? Actually, this ancient book has mentioned there is 32 verses or 64 dimensions,  it mean a verse has two dimensions. According to this ancient book in a universe there are 32 verses, So, Multi-dimension and Multiverse are different. 

Anyways, that is just a theory, there is no any proof yet.

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